The Gordons
The Gordons crashed upon the do-it-yourself scene of early 1980s Christchurch with torrential force, self-releasing two foundational planks of the vibrant New Zealand underground. “Future Shock”, a three-song 7” released in 1980, is a wild-eyed rampage, as staggering as any feedback-addled punk then being recorded at Southern Studios. “The Gordons” LP which followed in 1981, matches the abandon with motorik, churn and livewire dissonance, evoking New Zealand antecedents as divergent as This Kind of Punishment and the Dead C, creating a noise-rock landmark anticipating fans such as Sonic Youth and Dinosaur Jr. After starting it all, the trio of Alister Parker, Brent McLachlan and John Halvorsen would eventually reform in the late 80s as Bailterspace.